IDFC Knowledge Library

The IDFC Knowledge Library is a resource center gathering 145 operational and strategic publications, tools, guidances as well as training materials produced by the Club’s Working Group, its partners and Climate Facility.
145 results :
International Event
#COP27IDFC Press Release
IDFC hosted about 60 side events and showed the strong commitment to implement the SDGs & the Paris Climate Agreement agendas
Release date : 2022
Author : IDFC
Category : Press Release
IDFC Common Position Paper on Biodiversity
IDFC members commit to support an ambitious and effective Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework by 2027.
Release date : 2022
Author : IDFC
Category : Paper
IDFC 2022 Green Finance Mapping – Full Report
Mapping of Green Finance delivered by IDFC members in 2021
Release date : 2022
Author : IDFC
Category : Finance Mapping
Adaptation Finance: Lessons and way forward for the IDFC
This report outlines the progress made by the IDFC in financing adaptation investments, highlighting the imperatives for adaptation based on recent climate science & current gap in global finance for adaptation
Release date : 2022
Author : IDFC
Category : Paper
IDFC 2022 Green Finance Mapping Report - 4 pager
Key insights from the mapping of green finance delivered by IDFC members in 2021
Release date : 2022
Author : IDFC
Category : Finance Mapping
Study on Strengthening Gender Equality in the Development Banking Sector
The IDFC commissioned this study to Frankfurt School of Finance & Managementto focus on the operations of IDFC members and their impact on gender equality, promoting gender mainstreaming inside PDBs
Release date : 2022
Author : IDFC
Category : Study
IDFC Toolbox on Integrating Biodiversity into Strategies and Operations of Development Finance Institutions
The Toolbox introduces the conceptual foundations for understanding the role of biodiversity for DFIs, designed to help its readers navigate the wealth of information in this dynamically developing field.
Release date : 2022
Author : IDFC
Category : Toolbox
International Event
IDFC Climate Ambition on its 10-Year Anniversary at COP 26
At its Annual Meeting held for the first time on the COP26 premises in Glasgow, IDFC, gathered in an hybrid manner, for its 10 years anniversary
Release date : 2022
Author : IDFC
Category : Press Release