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Throwback to the COP28 from UAE (from December 1 to December 11).

The COP28IDFC Pavilion is a platform for our members and partners to display their ongoing projects and concrete deliverables for the use of our members and development actors more broadly.
You can now have access to all the replays, just below, by clicking on the "+" in each session.


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1st December
1:30 pm 3:30 pm
IDFC contribution to Climate finance: A record high
Paris alignment
High level event

This high-level side-event will be the opportunity to present IDFC contribution to Climate Finance, in particular the Green Finance Mapping 2023, and to illustrate the role of public development banks to achieve Paris Agreement alignment.

Barbara Büchner

Global Managing Director (CPI)

Javier Diaz

CEO Bancoldex, Co-chairman (IDFC)

Benoît Leguet

CEO the Institute for Climate Economics

Serge Ekué

CEO BOAD, Co-chairman (IDFC)

Nicolas Picchiottino

Secretary General of (IDFC)

Rémy Rioux

CEO of AFD and Vice-Chair IDFC

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1st December
4:00 pm 6:00 pm
Climate Risk and Long-term Financing - integrating climate risk into development finance institutions’ risk management framework
Climate Finance
Partner event
Technical side event

“Our event will allow development banks to learn from each other’s experiences with climate risk management, in particular to support climate risk assessment of long-term portfolios.”

Claire Eschalier

Mainstreaming Climate in Financial Institutions Secretariat (I4CE)

Luciana Aparecida da Costa

Director for Infrastructure, Energy Transition & Climate Change (BNDES)

David Carlin

Head of Climate Risk & TCFD (UNEP FI)

Ayşe Nazlıca

Sustainability Coordinator (TSKB)

Claudia Prates

Head of Climate Transition Department (BNDES)

Laurent Bergadaa

Sustainable Finance Expert (AFD)

Gabriel Azevedo

Chief Strategy Officer (a.i.) (IDB Invest)

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2nd December
10:00 am 11:30 am
International Carbon Market and Financial Solutions for Large- Scale Reforestation and Agroforestry
Carbon market
IDFC member event

The panel aims to discuss how innovative finance instruments, considering the international trade of carbon credits can boost the potential of developing countries, such as Brazil and South Africa, for reforestation and agroforestry projects in degraded areas. Article 6 of the Paris Agreement can be a lever to scale up the recovery and preservation of biomes in the Global South and help meet the planet’s emission reduction targets. In this context, national development banks can bring solutions to unlock this market with integrity.

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2nd December
11:45 am 1:15 pm
What international cooperation to accelerate national climate action: lessons from in-country analysis about the freight transition
Partner event

Through our participation in the GST and Mitigation Work Programme and our analyses around the development of national deep decarbonization pathways in main emerging economies, we will discuss and draw some lessons in this session about key topics for international cooperation, with a sectoral perspective about the freight transport sector and national perspectives from African leaders.

Chuks Okereke

Prof. in Environment and Development (AE-FUNAI)

Xolisa Ngwadla

Independent expert

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3rd December
9:00 am 10:30 am
Decarbonizing the Global South: challenges for development finance in hard-to-abate sectors
Carbon market
IDFC member event

The session will be based on one academic policy-oriented presentation from AFD team on the main risks and opportunities developing countries are facing given the transition. The presentation will be followed by case studies. Development banks and policy makers will present their transition plans, main funding challenges, and the main technological or nature-based solutions. Finally, speakers will discuss common challenges and opportunities.



Guilherme Magacho

Senior Economist (AFD)

Luciana Costa

Managing Director Sustainable Infrastructure, Energy Transition and Climate (BNDES)

Kome Ajegbo

Vice President, Product Solutions & Sustainability (AFC)

Cristina Fróes de Borja Reis

Ministry of Finance of Brazil, Sub-Secretary of Sustainable Economic Development

Nicolas Peltier

Global Director for the Transport Sector (World Bank)

Ludmila Nascimento

Energy and Decarbonisation Director(VALE)

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3rd December
11:00 am 12:30 pm
Ready and Running: Legacy Landscapes Fund blends international finance for nature-based solutions
Biodiversity / Nature
IDFC member event
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3rd December
1:30 pm 3:30 pm
Financing Forest Conservation and Sustainable Development in Pan-Amazon Region
Biodiversity / Nature
IDFC member event

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3rd December
4:00 pm 6:00 pm
Why is MDB reform crucial to accelerating urban climate finance?
Partner event

This event will discuss the key policy recommendations for MDB reform to accelerate urban climate finance identified in a new report developed by the Cities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance (CCFLA) in collaboration with the C40 Cities and the Global Covenant of Mayors (GCoM). Entitled ‘Accelerating Urban Climate Finance in Low-and Middle-Income Economies: An important strategic dimension of MDB reform,’ the report presents a comprehensive picture of the current landscape of MDBs’ contributions to urban climate finance and presents recommendations on how they can play an even more significant role in financing urban climate projects.

Priscilla Negreiros

Senior Manager (CCFLA)

Bella Tonkonogy

Director, Climate Policy Initiative and CCFLA

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3rd December
8:00 pm 11:30 pm
Social Events
4th December
9:00 am 10:30 am
Building Together: An Inclusive Dialogue on the Role of Insurance Solutions in Addressing Loss and Damages.
Climate Finance
Partner event

The objective of the event is to delve into the possibilities that insurance and risk transfer mechanisms offer to address Loss and Damage (LnD) caused by climate change. This session will provide a comprehensive exploration of the opportunities and limitations inherent in insurance, its value for the Loss and Damage fund, and its possible roles within the landscape of funding arrangements set to be agreed upon at COP28.

Dr. Maxime Souvignet

Team Lead, Climate Analytics (UNU-EHS)

Prof Swenja Surminski

Chair of the Munich Climate Insurance Initiative (LSE)

Sara Jane Ahmed

Finance Advisor to the V20

Dr. Astrid Zwick

Head of InsuResilience Secretariat

Dr. Annette Detken

Head of the InsuResilience Solutions Fund (ISF)

Catherine Simonet

Climate Change Adaptation Expert at Agence Française de Développement (AFD)

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4th December
11:00 am 12:30 am
Towards accountable climate finance: establishing a people-centric financial mechanism to facilitate a just transition
IDFC member event

CABEI and the TaiwanICDF propose hosting a panel discussion on accountable climate finance and inviting representatives from commercial banks, multilateral finance institutions, development agencies, and governments. Panelists will illustrate strategies for promoting participatory and expanding opportunities for marginalized groups, thereby optimizing the benefits of climate finance, and enhancing its impact on people’s lives.

Evelyn Rodríguez

Climate Change Specialist (CABEI)

Shih-Hong Liu

Director, Department of Lending and Investment (TaiwanICDF)

Sophia Cheng

Chief Investment Officer (Cathay Financial Holding Company)

Tony Greenham

ESG Director (British Business Bank)

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4th December
1:30 pm 3:30 pm
The success of the highly needed Loss and Damage agenda relies also on the critical engagement of Public Development Banks The role of pre-arranged climate finance
IDFC member event


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4th December
4:00 pm 6:00 pm
Fixing climate finance: the role of development finance institutions towards the 100 billion USD per year objective
Climate Finance
IDFC member event

Development banks, especially MDBs have been fundamental in establishing eligibility criteria for climate finance, and mobilizing the financial flows necessary for respecting this commitment. The objective of this side event is to investigate how development finance institutions can better contribute to the operationalization of climate finance and increase its volume to meet NDCs climate finance needs.

Fabio Menten

Senior Impact Officer (Proparco)

Nicola Mustetea

Head of Climate (BII)

Claudia Prates

Head of Climate Transition Department (BNDES)

Monika Beck

Managing Director (DEG)

Carrie Walczak

Senior Advisor, Sustainability Strategy & Policy (FMO)

Tom Mitchell

Executive Director (IIED)

Chiara Falduto

Climate Finance Policy Analyst (OECD)

Edmund Bala-Gbogbo

ESG Officer and Senior Risk Manager (Afreximbank)

Guillaume Barberousse

Director Sustainable Development (Proparco)

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5th December
9:00 am 10:30 am
Paris Agreement alignment : how can PDBs best respond its expectations
Paris alignment
IDFC member event


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5th December
11:00 am 12:30 pm
Innovative Financing Mechanisms to Accelerate Energy Transition in Southeast Asia: Key Financiers and their Roles
Partner event

As countries in the region strive to meet their growing energy needs, while adapting to a more sustainable and low carbon future, Southeast Asia’s power sector is undergoing an important transformation. Demand for electricity is growing as a result of the region’s rapid economic development and urbanization, leading to increased reliance on coal and an increase in greenhouse gas emissions. To combat the adverse impacts of climate change and achieve their commitments under the Paris Agreement, Southeast Asian nations are now facing the critical challenge of financing the energy transition towards cleaner and renewable energy sources.

Isabelle de Lovinfosse

TARA Climate Foundation

Mr. Pradana Murti

Director of Risk Management (PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur)

Liz Bronder

Managing Director (iTrust)

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5th December
1:30 pm 3:30 pm
Shaping Climate Transformation of Instrumental Infrastructure and Sustainable Private Sector Development
Climate Finance
IDFC member event

Provide insights on how net-zero strategies of development finance institutions foster low carbon transformation of instrumental infrastructure and support the sustainable and climate resilience of the private sector.

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5th December
4:00 pm 5:30 pm
Imagining Alternative Futures for Climate Finance - post-2025 and… way beyond
Climate Finance
IDFC member event

Finance can be a powerful trigger for sustainable change, but it currently also is part of the problem: today, only a fraction is climate, nature and SDG-compatible. This is not a technical fix. The change we need is systemic and requires to think of how different the world will be in the future. This is precisely what creative foresight approaches can facilitate, by mobilizing imagination to encourage leaps of thoughts. Join us to explore alternative futures for climate and sustainable finance!

Pilar Garrido

Director for Development Co-operation (OECD)

Nadia Alter

co-founders Sci-Fi Economics Lab

Tim Reutemann

co-founders Sci-Fi Economics Lab

Daniel Kaplan

co-founder, Plurality University Network

Beatriz Vaca

Chief Operating Officer (Microrisk)

Alexander Atarodi

Secretariat of the Forum on Foresight for Sustainable Finance, Team Lead foresight

Alexis Bonnel

Strategy and Foresight (AFD)

Sanjeev Gupta

Board Member and Head of Financial Services (AFC)

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6th December
8:00 am 10:10 am
Breakfast at Conference of Parties : Financing the transition
Climate Finance
IDFC Facility
Closed Event

This informal breakfast discussion will be framed around the challenges and bottlenecks that PDBs face in financing this transition, as well as potential ways of addressing them.

6th December
11:00 am 12:30 pm
Unlocking the Potential of Green Hydrogen in Africa
IDFC member event

Green hydrogen demonstrates cross-cutting climate mitigation and adaptation benefits by contributing to low-carbon and climate resilient growth, offering opportunities to develop social, economic infrastructure, and creating jobs. Green hydrogen is gaining widespread attention as a clean and sustainable energy carrier that can significantly contribute to decarbonizing various sectors and achieving climate goals. In recent years, the African continent has shown tremendous potential for renewable energy resources, making it an ideal region to explore and harness the capabilities of green hydrogen.

Catherine Koffman

Group Executive: Project Preparation (DBSA)

Andrew Johnstone

CEO, Climate Fund Managers

Benedict Libanda

CEO, Environment Impact fund of Namibia

Eluma Obibuaku

Senior Vice President, Power, Africa Finance Corporation (AFC)

Joanne Bate

Chief Operations Officer, Industrial Development Corporation (IDC)

Jonas Moberg

CEO, Green Hydrogen Organization

Jabri Ibrahim

Africa Special Programmes Lead for the High-Level Champions

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6th December
1:30 pm 3:30 pm
How to accelerate the PDBs engagement?
Climate Finance
IDFC Facility

The side event will explore the means that may be deployed to assist needy PDBs. It will also present the last initiatives taken by IDFC in the field of climate to support PDBs inside and outside IDFC constituency.

Edgardo Alvarez

General Secretary (ALIDE)

Mustapha Kleiche

Head of IDFC Climate and Biodiversity Facility (PEPSE)

Claire Eschalier

Head of Mainstreaming Climate in Financial Institutions Secretariat (I4CE)

Laura Sobagal

Paris agreement alignment assessment (E3G)

Carolina Aguirre


Ariane Cornu-Joab

European Climate Foundation

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6th December
4:00 pm 6:00 pm
Decarbonizing Southeast Asia: The role of business sector and developing financing institutions in materializing net zero ambitions
Carbon market
IDFC member event

This session sheds light on dynamic and rapidly growing Southeast Asia, and invites key speakers from development financing institutions, private sector, banking institution, and government officials from the region to deep dive into in-country efforts currently being made, and collectively discuss the following aspects of implementation.

Dr. Megumi Muto

Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer (JICA)

Mr.Koji Fukuda

Chief Advisor (JICA)

Dr. Luong Quang Huy

Head of the Division of GHG Emission Reduction and Ozone Layer Protection (DCC)

Ms. Nguyen Nhat Ha Chi

ESG Analyst (Dragon Capital)

Mr. Pradana Murti

Director of Risk Management (PT SMI)

Mr. Masamichi Kono

Senior Advisor of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (UFG)

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6th December
6:30 pm 8:00 pm
PDBs and Cities: a wining partnership for a successful climate transition
IDFC Facility

This session will explore how NDBs can respond to cities expectations in deploying technical and financial support for urban climate project preparation and investment.

Priscilla Negreiros

Senior Manager, Cities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance (CCFLA, CPI)

Vera Rodenhoff

Deputy Director General (International Climate Action)

Andrea Fernandez

Managing Director, Climate Finance, Knowledge and Partnerships (C40 Cities)

Frédéric Audras

Director, Cities Department of Strategy and instruments to finance the urban climate transition AFD

Josue Tanaka

Principal Finance Adviser (Gap fund)

Pradana Murti

Director of Risk Management (PT SMI)

Cilliers Brink

Executive Mayor (Tswane)

Mustapha Kleiche

Head of IDFC Climate and Biodiversity Facility

Luciana Costa

Director of Infrastructure, Energy Transition and Climate Change (BNDES)

Edwin Syahruzad

President Director (PT SMI)

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6th December
8:00 pm 8:00 pm
Social Events
8th December
11:00 am 12:30 pm
The Climate Financing Roadmap – How Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) can build bridges to unlock private capital
Climate Finance
IDFC member event
Stefan Wintels


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8th December
1:30 pm 3:30 pm
Financing green hydrogen and its derivatives – What has been achieved so far?
IDFC member event

Discuss the current state of the international green hydrogen market ramp-up and how financing gaps can be closed

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8th December
4:00 pm 6:00 pm
Marine Spatial Planning the opportunity for fair decarbonization
Carbon market
IDFC member event

The panel aims to discuss how Marine Spatial Planning generate opportunities for fair decarbonization. Expected outcomes: how different actors (government, academia and private sector) see this proposal.

Nabil Kadri

Deputy Managing Director of Environment (BNDES)

Ana Prates

Ministry of Environment, Director of ocean (MMA)

André Ferreti

Senior manager (Boticário)

Roberta Cox

Director of Brasil policies (GWEC)

Célio Bezerra

Executive Secretary for modernization (Ceará State)

Alexandre Turra

Chair for the ocean (UNESCO)

9th December
9:00 am 10:30 am
Transforming Financial Systems for Climate and Nature Which role for Public Development Banks?
Biodiversity / Nature
IDFC member event

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9th December
11:00 am 12:30 pm
Blue economy: opportunities and tools to deliver positive action for the Ocean
IDFC member event

This side event will highlight the opportunities offered by the sustainable blue economy for development banks, and discuss avenues and options to scale up their contributions in this domain and answer the demand from countries and partners towards UNOC 2025.

Stefan Wintels


Marina Mantonopoulo

Conservation Director(WWF-UAE)

Torsten Thiele

Director Global ocean trust()

Nancy Karigithu

Special Envoy for Blue Economy and Maritime Affairs, Kenya

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9th December
1:30 pm 3:30 pm
Nature Finance is Climate Finance
Climate Finance
IDFC member event

The objective is to look for ways how to expand nature finance because it is almost entirely also climate finance. Whether it is forests, peatlands, soils or mangroves – they all store enormous amounts of CO2 and help to mitigate climate change.

Stefan Wintels

CEO (Kfw)

Peter Hilliges

Chief Climate Officer (Kfw)

Boitumelo Mosako


Alicia Montalvo

Climate Action and Positive Biodiversity Manager (CAF)

Andrew Deutz

Managing Director,Global Policy & Conservation Finance, The Nature Conservancy

Gautier Quéru

Managing Director, Natural Capital, Mirova, and Director of the Land Degradation Neutrality Fund

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9th December
4:00 pm 6:00 pm
Climate mainstreaming in Public Development Banks (PDBs) and implications for MDB-NDB cooperation
Climate Finance
Partner event
Technical side event
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10th December
9:00 am 10:30 am
Catalysing financing for Nature-based Solutions through Public Development Banks to achieving impacts on the ground
Biodiversity / Nature
IDFC member event

The event on ‘Catalysing financing for Nature-based solutions through Public Development Banks to achieving impacts on the ground ‘ will aim to bring together public development banks, implementers, and policy makers to share barriers, case studies, lessons learnt and innovations to scaling up Nature based Solutions financing.

Mandy Barnett

Chief Director of the Adaptation Policy and Resourcing Division at the South African National Biodiversity (SANBI)

Peter Odhengo

Senior Policy Advisor on Climate Finance for Kenya National Treasury and Founding Director of Greening Kenya Initiative Trust

Marie Bjornson-Langen

Deputy Executive Director Sustainable Development (AFD)

Anouj Mehta

Country Director at the Thailand Resident Mission(ADB)

Siloshini Naidoo

Head of ESG department (DBSA)

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10th December
11:00 am 12:30 pm
The Role of Development Banks and Multilateral Agencies to promote Low Carbon and Resilient Agriculture
Carbon market
IDFC member event

To discuss cooperation among development banks and multilateral agencies on the promotion of low carbon and resilient agriculture. Present best practices, innovative solutions and case studies to foster future cooperation on the agenda in development countries.

Nabil Kadri

Deputy Managing Director (BNDES)

Izabela Teixeira

Former Minister of Environment Brazil

Juan Carlos Mendonza

Director Environment and Climate Division (IFAD)

Pedro Lima

Deputy Director Northeast States Consortium Brazil (Northeast state)

Edel Moraes

National Secretariat for Peoples and Traditional Communities and Sustainable Rural Development (Ministry of the environment and climate change)

Fernanda Machiaveli

Fernanda Machiaveli (Ministry of Rural Development and Family Farming)

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10th December
4:00 pm 6:00 pm
How can Public Development Banks contribute to fair carbon markets?
Carbon market
IDFC member event

This side-event will explore the potential positioning of PDBs on these markets and discuss possible common principles of intervention.

Mustapha Kleiche

Hemen Butu

Climate Risk Manager (AFC)

Romain Chabrol

Senior Biodiversity Expert (AFD)

Peter Hilliges

Head of the Competence Centre Climate and Energy (KfW development)

Moubarak Moukaila

Regional coordinator of the Regional Collaboration Center and Head of the West Africa Alliance on Carbon Markets and Climate Finance (BOAD)

Daniel Tutu Benefoh

Director at the Climate Change Unit of the Environmental Protection Agency of Ghana

Sohyeon Park

Standards Associate (VCMI)

Axel Michaelowa

Senior Founding Partners (Perspectives Climate Group)

Djedjiga Kachenoura

Research officer (AFD)

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11th December
1:30 pm 3:30 pm
Technical side-event on emerging best practice on Paris alignment
Paris alignment
Partner event
Technical side event

“Our event will allow development banks to discuss the different approaches they can follow to meet their Paris alignment commitments in line with specificities of their institutions.”

Claire Eschalier

Head of Mainstreaming Climate in Financial Institutions Secretariat (I4CE)

Nicole Pinko

Manager (CPI)

Sarah Bendahou

Research Fellow Development Finance (I4CE)

Laurent Bergadaa

Sustainable Finance Expert (AFD)

Vincent Duijnhouwer

Head of Green Financial Systems, Southern and Eastern Mediterranean (EBRD )

Siloshini Naidoo

Head of ESG (DBSA)

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11th December
4:00 pm 6:00 pm
Common principles on climate: a key tool for Paris agreement alignment
Paris alignment
IDFC Facility
11th December
6:30 pm 8:30 pm
Early retirement of fossil fuel assets
Partner event
Technical side event

“Our event will allow development banks to learn how they could best mobilise finance to enable ambitious early retirement of fossil fuel assets.“

Aki Kachi

Senior Climate Policy Analyst (New Climate Institute)

Sarah Bendahou

Research fellow, Development Finance (I4CE)

Olympus Manthata

Head of Climate and Environment Finance Unit (DBSA)

Nora Lambrecht

Climate Risk Officer (IDB Invest)

Debabrata Chattopadhyay

Senior Energy Specialist (World Bank)

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